Many platforms do not provide a discount on Utility Bill payment. That’s I introduced to Bindass Loot user New application for Utility bill payment.
I am introduced to you Dhani app.
Dhani app also offering personal loan, Credit limit, and Dhani Rupay Credit Card.
Application benefits:-
Play small game in Every Day and earn up to Rs.600 (Change time to time) Assured Dhani cash.

2%(Depend on offer) Dhani Cash are used in following Payment.
1.Pay Electricity Bill
2.Mobile Recharge
3.Pay Gas Bill
4.Pay LIC Premium
5.Fastag Recharge
6.Book Flight, Bus, Train
7. Hotel Booking
1. Click here to Install and open application.
2.Enter your Mobile Number then tap Next.
3.Set 4 Digit Password then tap Next.
4.Enter Your Identity card number (Any one).
1.Voter Id card.
2.Pan Card.
3.Driving License.
5.Verify OTP Received on your Registered Mobile Number.
Dhani RuPay Credit Card Benefits:-
Get pre approved credit line(No paper work) on Dhani app.
Use this credit card to earn 2% cash back on all spending.
Use this credit card and pay low EMI Every Month.